Ryan James


Ep2: What does it really mean to not die wondering?

Ep2: What does it really mean to not die wondering?

Inspired to jump on the microphone in a moment of inspiration, I delve deep into what I feel it means to truly allow ourselves to not die wondering and live our lives without limits, from the heart.

I explore what I think holds us back and how to overcome it.

I outline what I think ‘happiness’ really is. And I unpack what I sense the point of life is too.

Yep, I go all in and get on a proper roll! This is ‘me’ in my most unapologetic, full throttle, insanely curious best…

Daring to not die wondering about just putting it out there! 



Contact me

If you resonate with my approach or you have any burning questions just call or Whatsapp me: 07765 257797 or email on: rajames1977@gmail.com

Assume there are no obligations or expectations unless we agree otherwise. I don’t have fixed prices and I don’t do contracts as everyone often needs something different. If I can help you in one session I will. If you choose to stay longer that’s entirely up to you. Win/Win.

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