Ryan James


Ep17: How to really, finally grow up… w/ James Hollis

Ep17: How to really, finally grow up… w/ James Hollis

Ultimately, all of the stuck places in our life are only solved by going through something… They don’t just magically disappear, that is the fantasy of childhood!’ ~ OOOFFFTT!

It was way back in early 2017 that someone first handed me a copy of James Hollis’ book ‘Finding Meaning in the 2nd Half of Life – How to Really, Finally Grow Up’ – the inspiration for my own We Won’t Die Wondering tagline.

So not only was it inevitable that I would eventually ask James to join me on this podcast many years later but an utter joy and honour to have him say ‘yes!’ and then help serve up such a deliciously insightful conversation too!

And true to form, I didn’t hold back from speaking my own truth and volunteering exactly how vulnerable, frustrated and humbled I was feeling in ‘this’ precise moment in my journey and process, aiding our ability to go so much deeper and help me draw so much more value from him, not just for my benefit but yours, as the listener, too.

What’s the difference between your ego and your soul?

What’s the difference between a job and a vocation?

What’s so important about the ‘middle passage’ of life?

How do you let your soul speak and trust it to guide you?

What’s getting in the way?

How do we meet life and let it work through you?

Tune in as we explore these questions plus MUCH, MUCH more!

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Feel free to send me your thoughts on this podcast and any further reflections you may have: rajames1977@gmail.com


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