Ryan James


Ep16: It’s not what happens to you that matters… w/ Nick Clitheroe

Ep16: It’s not what happens to you that matters… w/ Nick Clitheroe

In 2019, 41 year old ‘purpose coach’, Nick Clitheroe, was diagnosed with bowel cancer. Wallop. Sh*t got real.

Taking advice from his doctors he chose to do the most sensible thing suggested and had surgery, undertook a course of chemotherapy, switched up his diet and took time out to rest and recover. Whilst he considered the process a pretty chastening, humbling experience, all went as well as could be expected. He was on the mend.

That was until… WALLOP… 2 years on and his bowel cancer returns. Now what does he do?
Faced with the prospect of undergoing virtually the same process as before but with considerably lesser chances of success, Nick has chosen to get curious, turn and face himself and his cancer head on, and take his healing journey into his own hands.

This is a man who quite sincerely will not die wondering, knowing full well that his life quite literally depends on it.

Is his cancer here to teach him something?

Does his body have more wisdom to share than his doctors could ever know if only he can find a way to understand it?

Is this is a gift from the universe inviting him to fully embrace life and all that lies within (and without)?

The gloves are off.

Listen in as Nick and I explore and unpack all that he’s learning and wants to share about what it really means to ‘heal’ and ‘live’ life.

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Feel free to send me your thoughts on this podcast and any further reflections you may have: rajames1977@gmail.com


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Assume there are no obligations or expectations unless we agree otherwise. I don’t have fixed prices and I don’t do contracts as everyone often needs something different. If I can help you in one session I will. If you choose to stay longer that’s entirely up to you. Win/Win.

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